June 30, 2009

soup for the soul

fresh noodles

1/4 teaspoon of salt
2 cups flour
1/2-1 cup water

1. Mix and knead until dough smooths out.
2. Divide into small portions and roll out thinly. Flour both sides generously. Fold and cut noodles into 1/4 inch slices.
3. Cook noodles in boiling water for 5-10 minutes.

spicy beef stew

5 tablespoons soysauce
2 tablespoons rice wine
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons chili paste
1/2 teaspoon white pepper powder
1 pound beef, cubed
4-5 cloves garlic
green onion
star anis
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/2 cups beef stock
1/2 teaspoon clove

1. Brown the beef in vegetable oil. Take out the beef and fry ginger, garlic, and chili paste in the same pan.
2. Add beef stock, soysauce, rice wine, sugar, white pepper powder, star anis, clove, beef, and cook in medium heat for 30-40 minutes.
3. Cook bok choy in the stock, and then add the noodles.
4. Garnish with green onion.

June 29, 2009

but wait, you're not in china yet

What is this, you ask!? No, it's not the remains of an extinct dinosaur from the Whatthefuckistic period. It's the awesomeness of Black Chicken hitting you in the face.
My grandpa laughs, especially at the burnt Wintermelon and Ham. It is so funny, it doesn't even have soy sauce in it. But wait, there's more! If you join us in the next five minutes we will offer you a free gift-Phoenix Talons! Yes that's right, Phoenix Talons. My mother soaks them in special alcohol she gets...from somewhere.
My cousin 孟凡 invites you to join us next time. We might even throw in a free bowl of rice. Looks tantalizing, doesn't it? Almost like... food.

redefining sundays

our loot from the hillcrest farmer's market

dinner at la jolla shores later that day

improvised fondue at P's humble abode

June 27, 2009

bacon dogs

kar's take on bacon dogs included cheddar cheese and jalapeños. took me half a bottle of lighter fluid, an electric fan, and almost an hour to get the grill started, but it all paid off in the end, and it always does. bacon dogs were gone in less than ten. minutes that is.

June 26, 2009


merr, karr, lincolnberry and I ended up having vanilla raspberry, blood orange, and pomegranate cupcakes from babycakes at hillcrest, after discovering that the much anticipated french dessert place has been replaced by a real estate consulting office.

June 25, 2009

hello everyone.

lets blog about what we consume this summer.
and also perhaps what we create (other than the excrement following the food), and what we're up to and maybe put a picture in every post.

for examples

this was when karen and I decided to have a porridge & leftovers meal.
'twas delicious.

cucumber salad, jellyfish, shrimp dumplings, chive pancake, tomato & salted duck egg, stir-fry cabbage, and dried anchovies (?)

oh yes, and i just picked a name that sounds pretty good. we can pick a different one later.