July 22, 2009


drove all over town to see friends and family. bad headache that morning, either from being sleep deprived, driving hundreds and hundreds of miles, or seeing hayward everywhere.
after almost a thousand miles of what seemed like aimless driving, kar and i decided to take the bart to the city along with my friend from sixth grade, katrina. it was exciting at first, until i realized the walk from the station to the restaurant was more than 15 blocks of up and downhill. i nearly died after 7. im glad i didnt because i got to eat oysters. i might have just found the reason for living.

July 11, 2009

bypassed internet security!

hells yes! but it's still not able to directly upload to blogger, so I must hot the images on a different website.

I'll figure it out.

I went to town with two friends and I got a Bailey's Irish Cream. It was great, but my ears exploded with red hot heat. I'm thinking now drinking alcohol in 35 degrees Celsius weather is a not too great of an idea.

in other news, this brand of instant noodles has my name all over it. I bought one. will blog when eat.

July 3, 2009


Day 1: Went to a bunch of musems, got ripped off by cab drivers and tour guides, saw a good chunk of Lima. AKA: Off to a expected start in a strange country. The hostel I'm staying in is pretty cool. "For What It's Worth" by the Buffalo Springfields is playing. Not so shabby, eh N? I could pretend to be brave and say I know what the fuck I'm doing, but the truth is it's pretty damn scary being in a strange country, currently by myself, without really knowing what to do. But I'll tough it out.

In keeping with the central theme of food of this blog, I will comment on the first Peruvian meal I had, called Lomo Saltados, basically marinated beef (or pork, wasn't really sure, tasted like beef by translator says pork) cooked with onions, can't upload pictures here, so just go google it yourselves. The flavors was very strong. The dipping sauce for the french fries was made from fresh jalapenos, so needless to say my mouth burned afterwards. Overall it was quite delicious =D. Anyway, it's 3 in the morning now, I need to get to bed. Wish me luck on another day of adventures, y'all!

July 2, 2009

place cards

lincolnberry, dena the athlete, philip, merr and bunny, kar sleeping, chad the dj, gabe and his grill, lai being...lai, and i am a cleaning robot