July 22, 2009


drove all over town to see friends and family. bad headache that morning, either from being sleep deprived, driving hundreds and hundreds of miles, or seeing hayward everywhere.
after almost a thousand miles of what seemed like aimless driving, kar and i decided to take the bart to the city along with my friend from sixth grade, katrina. it was exciting at first, until i realized the walk from the station to the restaurant was more than 15 blocks of up and downhill. i nearly died after 7. im glad i didnt because i got to eat oysters. i might have just found the reason for living.


  1. I expected to see and read about food and the good times. This makes the trip seem really depressing. I thought it was actually pretty good. o.O

  2. oh, and its not the train. its BART! it has name, and it could get hurt :O

  3. theyre all the same to me. i love the place, but not what it makes me think of. argh. happier post next!
